For Managers: How to make Silah TTS more friendly for your employees


In this article, we would like to provide some tips on how to make Silah TTS more friendly for your employees.


Many of the suggestions below have a trade-off. Some of them may be more employee-friendly, but may also result in a bit less accurate time tracking or less insight into work activities. You can try different settings to decide what works best for your company.


Employee-friendly settings:

  • Allow editing time.
  • Allow deleting screenshots.
  • Blur or disable screenshots.
  • Extend the “Inactive time starts after” setting. Having this setting too short can cause idle time popup to appear more often, which can be annoying to employees.
  • Disable websites & Applications Tracking.


Other things you can do:

Educate your employees on how to use Silah TTS and the settings available to them, including:

  • Option to disable auto-start tracking each day.
  • Option to enable/disable notifications when tracking starts.


Don’t micromanage:

  • Allow some “unproductive” time each day.
  • Track your own work with Silah TTS. Viewing your own data may help you to understand that some unproductive time and some idle time every day is normal.
  • Educate your managers on how to use Silah TTS effectively without micromanaging.


Let your employees know that:

  • You don’t expect 100% productive time according to Silah TTS.
  • You understand that “productivity” measured with Silah TTS is based only on websites & apps used and may not correlate with their actual quality of work or volume of output.
  • You don’t plan to use Silah TTS as a micromanagement tool.


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