Advantages and Benefits of Telework


Advantages and Benefits of Telework for Workers:

- Adopting telework reduces transportation to and from the work place, which leads to saving time, cost and work pressures.

- Achieves job flexibility once the employee has arranged the amount of work hours they can complete according to their personal circumstances.

- Adopting this style achieves bigger possibilities of adapting with work under difficult climatic conditions, also in case of transportation means and services breakdown between cities.

Advantages of Telework for Companies:

- Increase in productivity rates, due to the employees’ freedom to select their preferred hours of work.

- Teleworkers are able to dedicate more time to actual work since they don’t have to commute to and from the work place.

- Decreases the number of workers (and thus the need for office space to accommodate them) in the company office and mass-transportation to other locations or larger buildings is avoided.

- Reduces the costs of labor transportation trips for long distances and the daily commute to and from the work.

- Allows you to keep skilled employees, who might otherwise think of leaving their jobs because it doesn't accommodate their schedule and lifestyle.

- Presents the opportunity of providing customer service outside of office hours, and increases the possibilities of being able to meet more frequently with clients.

Advantages and Benefits of Telework for Governments:

- Opportunities for a more representative workforce, including employees with physical disabilities whom may have difficulties traveling to and from work headquarters.

- Opportunities to employ more women, especially mothers, who need a more flexible schedule so they can both be employed and look after home/life responsibilities.

- Guaranteed work continuation during times of crisis, emergencies and natural disasters.

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