Troubleshooting Server offline issues


When you encounter an error like “The server of Silah has encountered an error” or a “Server offline” message, it could be due to a number of reasons. To narrow down possible causes, some diagnostic tests must be performed.

Possible causes could be any of the following:

  • local area network problem
  • router problem / firewall problem
  • internet service provider problem
  • name resolution (DNS) server problem

Before attempting these steps, make sure that your users are using the latest available Silah version. It is also important to disable any security application suites (like Avast, Norton, Symantec, McAfee and others) in order to prevent them from interfering.

Step A. Check server communication

 1. Verify that your internet connection is working properly, and that you are able to browse any website, and you are able to browse to

 2. If you are unable to browse the internet, check your internet connection, wiring, and router connection.

 3. If it's still not working, proceed to Step B.

Step B. Overriding DNS on Windows 7

 1. Open the Windows Control Panel. 

 2. Click on Network and Internet and load the Network and Sharing Center.

 3. Click on Change adapter settings.


4. Right click on Local Area Connection and click on Properties.


 5. When UAC prompt appears, click YES. 

 6. In the Local Area Network properties, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties

 7. In the Properties window, mark Use the following DNS server addresses: . We will override the default DNS server settings provided by the ISP or your router, and instead use custom DNS server addresses.

 8. In the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server use any third-party DNS server. The following are DNS server addresses we actively use and recommend.

Google DNS - and
OpenDNS     - and
Level3           - and

Step C. Allowing Silah application through the Windows 7 firewall

1. Open the Windows Control Panel.


2. click on System and Security and look for Windows Firewall, and click on Allow a program through Windows Firewall.  

 3. In the Allowed Programs list, click on Allow another program... 

 4. In the Allowed Programs and Features, look for Silah and mark it.  


5. Click OK.

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